Seder haTefilot: The Order of the Daily Prayers in Hebrew and English According to the Custom of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews is the second printed edition of the siddur first compiled and translated by David Levi in 1789. This edition was prepared posthumously in 1810 by Edward Justins[1] For the source of the Justins’ given names, we were fortunate in happening over this resource. (who had with his father William printed the first edition) under the supervision of Solomon Mordecai Ximenes (Ish Yemini). While the title page indicates the work was “carefully revised and corrected” by Ximenes, the only major change noticed is the lack of Ḥakham Ishak Nieto’s “Exhortation” and the inclusion of “Notes Illustrating the Preceding Translation” that may have been written by Ximenes (found at the end of the siddur). Some additional details on this edition have been written by Dr. Roy Shasha here.

This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.
This digital edition was derived by Aharon Varady from a scan prepared by Google Books from a volume held in the collection of the Harvard University library.
To the elders of the synagogues, in England, America, West Indies, &c. &c.Gentlemen,
Under a firm persuasion of your being actuated by the same zeal, which your ancestors possessed, for maintaining and handing down to posterity, unsullied, the truths recorded in holy writ, I have humbly presumed to dedicate this Formula, which comprises such lively and energetic ideas of the Supreme Being; wherein the youth, as well as the hoary head, are instructed how to approach the God of Israel.
It was originally my intention to dedicate this Publication to a Gentleman, whose talents and virtues have placed him in one of the first situations in the Community to which he has the honor to belong: but on more mature reflection, I conceived a Work of such general importance, would be better placed under your protection, as the Guardians and Conservators of your holy religion.
In order to render it worthy your patronage, I have engaged Rabbi S.M. Ish Yeminy, for the Revision and Correction of the Work; the Hebrew of which will exactly correspond with the Edition published by S.R. Mendes, afterwards republished by Jacob Mendes de Silva, both of whom were חזנים of the Portuguese Synagogue at Amsterdam; and which was accepted and used in all the Portuguese Synagogues of Israelites, including that of שער השמים here in London.—Added to this, the beauty of the Type, as well as the Paper, I trust will combine to render it one of the most splendid, and correct performances, that ever issued from the press.
With a reliance on your judgment, to appreciate its merits, I venture to commit it.
And am,
With all possible esteem, _
Your obedient and devoted servant,
E. JUSTINS.Hebrew Printing Office,
34, Brick Lane, Spitalfields,
Dec. 20, 1809.
Through the repeated solicitations of many respectable Gentlemen of the Community, who have long lamented the great scarcity of the Work, the Proprietor, E. Justins, has undertaken to Reprint the late David Levi’s Edition, with such Alterations, Corrections, and Amendments, as were deemed absolutely necessary.
For this purpose, he has furnished his Office with a complete assortment of Hebrew, as well as English Type, from the first Foundry in Europe; and he has also engaged a Rabbi of eminent abilities, for the express purpose of superintending the Publication.
E.J. feels himself more qualified for the undertaking, from the circumstance of his having composed a great part of the former Edition, while with his Father, under the direction of the late Mr. David Levi.
Of the utility of a Translation of the Prayers, nothing need be said; the liberal patronage experienced by the original Translator, is a sufficient inducement for the present Publisher to hope for similar encouragement in this improved Edition.
As it is intended to elucidate the translation by Notes, they will of course be numerous, and some of them of considerable length; therefore to avoid confusion, and taking off the reader’s attention during the time of prayer, and that the English page may exactly correspond with the Hebrew, they will be affixed at the end of the volume, where they will be regularly numbered, correspondent with those in the text, thus; (Ⅰ.) (Ⅱ.) (Ⅲ.) &c. By this means, the notes will become more valuable, in illustrating such metaphors, &c. as cannot properly be transfused; all which must greatly forward the attainment of a thorough knowledge of our Prayers, even to those who are not masters of the sacred language; so that they may be able to understand what they say, when addressing the Supreme Being.
1 | For the source of the Justins’ given names, we were fortunate in happening over this resource. |

“📖 סדור התפלות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot: The Order of the Daily Prayers in Hebrew and English According to the Custom of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews, compiled and translated by David Levi (2nd ed. 1810)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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